Visit us at E-world 2024!
We are excited for E-world energy & water! Like last year you can visit us at our stand in hall 5, booth B120. New for this year is that you will also find us in the Smart Metering Hub in hall 2, booth 114!
In our stand we are proud to showcase the following innovations:
1. Gateway series GW5 –We are happy to present generation 5 of our wireless M-Bus gateways! This version is optimized for gathering of meter- and sensor data in an easy plug-and-play way, transmitting the data using LTE-M1.
2. Wireless M-Bus to Ethernet Gateway – Send your data encrypted to the cloud using Ethernet, M-Bus over IP. Collect data from up to 2000 OMS devices, easily and seamlessly.
3. Radon sensor – Measures radon, CO2, temperature, humidity, and pressure with high accuracy. It is plug-and-play and can be mounted in any room where there is a need to continuously measure important indoor parameters.
We will also display Diehl Metering’s IZAR platform to showcase our true CO2 sensor powered by mioty live!
To book a meeting at E-world, please contact our Sales Manager Per Sandström at per.sandstrom@lansen.io. We are looking forward to seeing you all there!
Lansen will join the Smart metering hub
Lansen will be part of the Smart Metering Hub, an innovative space that will bring together IoT key players such as Diehl Metering, WIKA Group, mioty alliance, LORIOT, Sentinum GmbH, Stadtwerke Duisburg Metering GmbH and LeineNetz GmbH
Our Smart Metering Hub unites experts from every step of the implementation process of your smartcity project! No matter if you want to talk about products, technology or how to build a single network for all your meters – we will cover all topics at one place.
From Lansen’s side, we will showcase our complete portfolio of mioty® sensors. Wether you have a need to enhance your environment, safeguard your spaces, or measure with certainty, Lansen’s collection of mioty sensors will do the job.
Additionally, our brand-new mioty4OMS (wM-Bus) to mioty bridge will show how you can link existing infrastructure with mioty® - by closing the gap between OMS wireless M-Bus devices and the mioty® technology.
Learn more about the smart metering hub here.
We are looking forward to hear about your smart city plans! Let’s explore the latest innovations in Smart Metering together.